Consumer Goods and Trading

Scale effectively with our world-leading automated solutions.
Sumeru Nigeria
Import Logistics & Finance management

iTrack – Import and Forex Tracking

When organisations have to import a high volume of materials every month, the tracking of shipments from the time of purchase order until the time goods reach the warehouse can be challenging. With multiple shipments against a singular purchase order, multiple containers on a shipment and various levels of clearance processes involved, the import process can be a minefield with the potential for disrupting any organisation’s operational flow.

Most businesses track these processes with a plethora of Excel sheets, which inhibit collaboration and provide a large margin of error.

iTrack automates the complete process of import tracking and management including associated costs and payments involved. Be it bills for collection, letter of credit (LC) based payment or the management of forex purchases, iTrack offers a single, reliable, source for your import tracking needs. iTrack enables end-to-end tracking and management of an import business lifecycle from Form-M through letter of credit, pre-arrival assessment, shipment tracking and clearing processes through to order closure – all made easily traceable and accessible with extensive management reports and easy-to-use dashboards. The initiation of letters of credit and associated costs, tracking of loans, management of forex purchase through non-deliverable forwards, cash and provisioning for payments every month are made quick and simple with iTrack’s capabilities.
Key benefits
Sumeru Nigeria
Distribution ManagemenT Sales Automation

Sales Force Automation & Secondary Sales Solutions

Exercising control over downstream supply chains is the key to success in sales for any consumer goods organisation.

Managing distributors across geographies, sales teams within various hierarchies and a litany of field activities is always challenging.

Organisations often struggle to acquire market intelligence about the performance of their products and what their competition is doing.

It’s therefore essential to have a management and automation solution in place to ensure timeous replenishment of distributors and production planning.

Key benefits of DMS and SFA solution
Collaborate, plan, forecast and replenish
Manage Promotional Schemes and Claims
Empower sales force with mobile SFA
Manage promotional schemes and claims
Organise and oversee tours of sales team
Streamline sales process
Conduct market surveys and acquire information on competitor products
Track merchandising activities
Sumeru Nigeria
Consumer Goods and Trading

Audit, Quality Assurance and Inspections

A fully digitised auditing solution which integrates intelligent reports, robust scoring, configurable workflows and real-time updates, user management, checklist creation and dashboard and issue tracking to conglomerate the entire 360-degree auditing process into one simple tool.

For internal audit and quality assurance functions, Audit360 offers easy rollout of checklist-based audits/verifications. Central teams can quickly define checklists, assign them to the relevant field verification/audit agents and get real-time visibility on audit results.

Quick report generation, verification by auditees and an ability to track any issues in real-time make this solution indispensable.

Key Features
360-degree coverage
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